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The Newham PSHE Partnership

In September 2019, the DfE statutory guidance for ‘Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’ came into being, for enforcement within schools from Autumn 2020. In 2019, forward-thinking schools in Newham decided to create a partnership to allow for a smooth implementation of the guidance within their schools. The ‘Newham PSHE Partnership’ enables schools to make the most of the opportunities that the new statutory status of PSHE brings, whilst understanding and dealing with the complexities involved when working across various communities, cultures and religions.

The Tapscott Learning Trust are proud to be working alongside with The Newham PSHE Partnership, to administer the training, support and advice it provides. 

The Newham PSHE Partnership is made up of:

  • Around 80 primary and secondary schools (mainly from within Newham)
  • The London Borough of Newham Council
  • Claire Clinton - The Director of PSHE & RE Advisor for Newham
  • Marie Hardy - PSHE Advisor for Newham
  • Dr Jo Sell - REALationships, RSHE Advisor
  • Sarah Heath - PSHE Advisor

Partnership schools receive a range of training, advice, information and support as part of their package from the partnership, and additional assistance and training is also available on a ‘pay by service’ basis.

Please use the links below to find out more about the different options and opportunities:

Newham Schools:


Schools outside Newham:

Newham's School Council Network: