Adele's Story - Ranelagh Primary

I am Adele and I am in Year 6.
What I like most about my school is that we have such lovely staff and we have new renovations. We have a great playground for break and lunch times and our school is very inclusive and accepts all children.
We are part of a trust - TTLT. The other trust schools (including Ranelagh) are Curwen Primary School, Kensington Primary School and North Beckton Primary School. We mostly work with them as Pupil Parliament. Currently, we are working on a project called Pupil Parliament - the year of the young person along with Newham Next Generation. We are also working on the project focusing on mental and physical healthiness in our schools. We meet virtually to discuss and share what we found out.
When I grow up, I'd like to be a physiatrist (a children's doctor) as it just breaks my heart when I see children who have some sort of disease. As a person who helps the environment, I'd try to make the world a better place. My school is definitely helping me with this. Over the past years I've been gaining the knowledge from them and since Year 1, teachers have given me motivation to do this and I’ve been challenged (there are challenges set for different people who are on different levels of work in our school).