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How have we engaged and supported the new NPQs?

The new academic year has seen a whole host of changes in national CPD opportunities. The new ECT programme is currently being rolled out across the country, and along with this we now have the new National Professional Qualifications that are a key part of the Dfe golden thread for CPD.

One of TTLTs core values is providing professional development to all levels of staff through our Training Hub. Our children deserve access to skilled professionals that are able to deliver high quality lessons and lead key areas within their school. The revised NPQs allow an opportunity to do this, but also develop the capacity of our staff and continue to improve our schools.

The Training Hub is actively involved in facilitating one of the NPQs in Leading Teaching across Newham in partnership with Ambition and our local Teaching School Hub – London District East. We have since trained four members of staff to become Fellows of Ambition who deliver the core content of the programme through conferences and clinics. Our two cohorts – one beginning back in November the second in February - consist of a range of leaders in different areas of school life but also across different phases from primary to secondary. This mix of delegates is one of the strengths of the programme and there is an opportunity to collaborate and learn together through a buddy system.

The Training Hub has promoted the NPQs within our trust and this has resulted in many of our schools putting staff forward on the various programmes. Funding incentives given this year through the Dfe have helped do this but we have also had to select programmes carefully ensuring we have a range of coverage and the right people on selected programmes.






It must be said that it is still early days into this programme. As key facilitators, we are learning how the programme evolves through its range of module principles and topic coverage. The level of self-led development is high. The programme expectations require participants to complete the study modules and necessary peer work at key points. This is something all potential leaders need to consider if they are to be successful on the programme. We wish everyone involved every success and it sure is an exciting opportunity in professional development!