Kensington Achieves Healthy Schools Status

Kensington Primary School are delighted to have been awarded Healthy Schools Status this term.
The introduction of Kensington’s new Curriculum K has kicked off with Physical Health, closely followed by the Emotional Health strand. The content of the new Health Curriculum has been pivotal in the school’s success in achieving Healthy Schools status.
So how do Kensington Primary promote lifelong healthy lifestyles and teach their pupils to make healthy choices?
- “Fitness sessions”: Twice weekly fitness sessions aim to raise heart rates and build fitness. The school is the first Primary in the country to invest in MyZone trackers, which are wearable heart rate trackers. These allow the children to understand and use knowledge about their own heart rates to improve their fitness.
- The Science of good health - Children learn about sleep,nutrition and physiology.
- Workout Wednesdays - The whole school community congregates on the school playground, building up a sweat in a huge community exercise session. Fitter and healthier families lead to healthier pupils and communities!
- “Brain breaks” - Research shows that regular activity improves brain power. “Brain breaks” are fun, improve fitness and boost learning power.
- Skills for life - PE lessons focus on flexibility, coordination and balance.
- Active Maths - These lessons engage the brain AND the body
- Outdoor learning - Fresh air and activity.
- Wellbeing - This is promoted widely across the school from teachers, to families to pupils. The school’s vision is to be “a place everyone loves to be”.
- Emotional literacy - Children learn to recognise, name and deal with their broad range of emotions. Teachers take a coaching approach to help develop pupils’ emotional literacy.
Healthy Schools are a nationally recognised body who aim to support schools to help children and young people to grow healthily, safely and responsibly. Healthy Schools celebrates the positive actions that schools deliver in terms of healthy eating and physical activity.