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Inclusive P.E Course  12.01.2018

VENUE: North Beckton Primary School, Harrier Way, London, E6 5XG DATE:

Friday 12th January 2018

TIME: 9.00am – 12.00pm
What is the Active Kids for All Inclusive PE Training programme? The Sainsbury’s Active Kids for All Inclusive PE Project is a training initiative designed to improve the quality of PE provision for young disabled people in mainstream schools in the UK. Through this initiative we will provide inclusive PE training and resources to teachers, trainee teachers and learning support assistants throughout the UK.
Who is this course targeted at?  The course has primarily been designed to support mainstream PE teachers and trainee teachers in including young disabled people within the PE curriculum; however the principles used can be applied to a number of settings and can be of benefit to ALL young people.
The training can also be used to support other teaching staff, classroom assistants, learning support assistants and special educational needs co-ordinators.
What does the training involve? This 3 hour workshop is designed to help teachers to embed inclusive practice in their planning, delivery and assessment within the curriculum. The training involves theory and practice to support you in having a clearer understanding of the needs of all pupils. You will also explore teaching strategies to ensure all pupils are engaged and make good progress, both of which are essential in outstanding teaching.
It is made up of both online and face to face elements; you will be supported to share material with your colleagues and you will have access to an online portal to support your continued professional development.
How much does it cost? Free; this training has been sponsored by Sainsbury’s.
How do I book a place on the training? All available courses are listed on our website you can register and then book your place on the module tab by selecting workshops . If there are no local courses or if you have any questions please contact Lucy Townley on